2010-10-02 - Kensington Post Office and Bethesda Loop


~12.5 miles @ ~10.2 min/mi

The right ribcage still aches from my fall a fortnight ago (2010-09-19 - Schaeffer Farms) but lovely cool and dry weather lures me out anyway. I do the first three miles fast, carrying a big Priority Mail envelope to the Kensington Post Office. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night ..." comes to mind. Just before the 1pm Saturday closing time I arrive and mail a book and magazine to sister-in-law Rita. Then it's Kensington Parkway to Rock Creek Trail, upstream to Cedar Lane, past NIH and south on Old Georgetown Rd. Sidewalks and roads are jammed by a "Taste of Bethesda" street party. Practicing for the Andiamo a week from now I try to push the pace but can't maintain my goal of 10 min/mi. Home via the CCT is comfortable.

^z - 2010-10-11